Enhancing Dental Health and Aesthetics

Our office offers crown lengthening in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, as a versatile procedure designed to improve both the appearance and health of your teeth. Dr. Monika Kaceli uses crown lengthening to address issues related to excess gum tissue, making it easier to restore damaged teeth or enhance the look of your smile.

What Is Crown Lengthening?

Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the gum tissue and sometimes the underlying bone to expose more of the tooth structure. This is often necessary when a tooth needs restoration, such as a crown or filling, but not enough of the tooth is visible above the gumline. Crown lengthening can also be used to improve the appearance of a “gummy” smile, where too much gum tissue shows when you smile.

Why Is Crown Lengthening Necessary?

Crown lengthening may be recommended for several reasons, including:

  • Restorative Needs: If a tooth is broken, decayed or worn down near the gumline, crown lengthening provides the necessary space to securely place a crown or filling.
  • Improved Aesthetics: By reshaping the gums, our dentists and team can create a more balanced and attractive smile for patients with excess gum tissue.
  • Gum Health: The procedure also helps reduce pockets between the teeth and gums, promoting better oral hygiene and reducing the risk of gum disease.

The Crown Lengthening Procedure

At Kaceli Dental Aesthetics, the crown lengthening procedure is performed with your comfort in mind. We will gently remove excess gum tissue and, if needed, reshape the bone to expose more of the tooth. Healing typically takes a few weeks, after which the tooth can be restored with a crown or other treatment.

Why Choose Us?

Our team is dedicated to delivering personalized, expert care. Whether you need crown lengthening for restorative or cosmetic purposes, we will work closely with you to ensure the best possible results.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us at 617-795-7211.